She is to be Jenny

349px-janeaustensilhouette-svgDear Sister, — You have doubtless been for some time in expectation of hearing from Hampshire, and perhaps wondered a little we were in our old age grown such bad reckoners, but so it was, for Cassy certainly expected to have been brought to bed a month ago; however, last night the time came, and without a great deal of warning, everything was soon happily over. We have now another girl, a present plaything for her sister Cassy, and a future companion. She is to be Jenny …” — George Austen (Jane’s father), Steventon, December 17, 1775.

Today is Jane Austen’s 241st birthday! It has been a long time since I posted anything here — two years since I posted at all regularly. I have been planning to revive this blog with some sporadic posts, and what better occasion to begin than Jane Austen’s birthday? I don’t plan on posting very often, but I hope to at least keep up with collecting links to articles on Mansfield Park I have read and found interesting.